The Archdiocese began the Called By Name initiative this year and the results have been astounding. Over 500 nominations have come in for people whom God may be calling to serve Him as priest, deacon, or religious sister. Called By Name takes much of the stress and worry out of the discernment process. Many vocations to the priesthood and religious life are never realized simply because no one has ever invited them to begin formally discerning. Called By Name changes that. During the Masses of June 8-9, the people of God were invited to write down or use the QR code to submit the name of a person whom they think might have a calling to be a priest, deacon, or religious. The individuals who are nominated through Called By Name received a letter from Archbishop Coyne congratulating them on living the Christian life well and inviting them, by name, to begin formally discerning through the Vocations Office.
If you know someone who may show signs of a calling from God, feel free to call the Vocations Office to nominate them, use the QR code on this page, or click on the link below.