What is your favorite food?
Pizza What is your favorite book? Padre Pio, The True Story by C. Bernard Ruffin What is your favorite movie? The Song of Bernadette Who are your favorite Saints? • St. Joseph • St. Pio • St. Bernadette • St. Faustina What is your favorite verse in Scripture? "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away". - Revelation 21:4 What is your favorite thing about Jesus? His Mercy! And that everybody is welcome to it. What is your favorite thing about being Catholic? The freedom it provides, which is opposite of what the world tells us, but the only time I'll feel free is when I'm free from mortal sin, praying, and striving to do God's will. |
archdiocese of hartford