• Holy Hours for Vocations: Have a special Holy Hour to pray for priestly and religious vocations
• Rosary for Vocations: During the rosary include intentions for an increase in priests in the Archdiocese. Also mention candidates by name. • Eucharistic Procession for Vocations: Consider dedicating your next Eucharistic procession to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. |
• Workshops for Altar Servers: Teach altar servers about vocational discernment.
• Parish Discernment Events: Host events for those interested in better understanding what vocations are and how they are lived out. Bring in guest speakers of varying vocations to speak about their lives. • Attend Ordinations: Coordinate for confirmation students or youth groups to attend an ordination. |
• Vocations Library: Keep a special corner of the vestibule stocked with vocation-related materials.
• Vocation stories: Invite priests to tell their vocation stories at parish events. • Web page: Create a page on your parish website with vocation information. |
Other Ideas
• Celebrate Ordination Anniversaries: Honor parish priests and celebrate within the parish or school.
• Support Seminarians: Send greeting cards to each seminarian at the beginning of a new semester, holiday, exam times, birthdays, ordinations, etc. • Vocation Director: Invite the vocation director to the parish for a special event, for Mass, or a meal with parish families. |
archdiocese of hartford