A Catholic man, in love with the Lord Jesus and His Church, with a heart that longs for adventure, to lay down his life for the people of God as a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford.
Courageous souls, or those who would be by God's grace, should call 860.761.7456.
Since the Archdiocese has begun praying the prayer for Priestly Vocations, we've had:
~ 114 new phone calls from men interested in discerning a vocation to the priesthood.
~ A class of 5 new men entering seminary in 2024, our largest class in almost 20 years!
~ 11 men applying to begin formation in 2025, our largest class in many decades!
~ 77 parishes have started a Parish Vocations Committee.
~ Over 500 nominations through the Called by Name program.
~ 22 men in formation for the permanent diaconate.
~ 31 young women have begun discerning a vocation to religious and consecrated life!